
Teets - 2004-07-24 13:52:00
I had to stop reading your entry to come post this note: the leg cramps ARE from lack of potassium. Get thee to a walmart or a health food store and get some potassium supplements ASAP. I take one 99 mg tablet per day. That will stop leg cramps. Unless you have another problem, then you'll need a stronger, maybe prescribed dose. I have a friend who has the ovarian syndrome you mentioned before and she takes prescribed potassium, so maybe there's something about your disorder that makes you need it. Anyways... we get potassium from fruits and vegetables like broccoli, and when you go to a protein diet, your potassium level plummets and you get leg cramps. Get some potassium girlfriend. Now... I'll go finish reading the entry. :-)
Teets again - 2004-07-24 14:00:05
When I went back to finish reading your entry, I saw that after the point where I stopped reading to come post a note, you said you were going to Walmart and a health food store AND you said you were going to try to potassium. Boy, good thing I busted up with that quick advice there, huh? One more thing: where I come from, SBD doesn't stand for South Beach Diet. It stands for Silent But Deadly. hehe

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