
Fuzz - 2004-10-26 17:44:03 poor thing. *sniffle* (Hee! Guess who's not quite done with her monthly dose of hormones either?) I really hope the morning-after pill does the trick for you. And isn't that a big ol' eye-opener about how important it is to keep the right to choose? *shiver* Not that you didn't know that already, but imagine if Pl@nned P@renthood didn't exist? Yeep!
cat - 2004-10-26 22:18:05
I say three cheers for all the men who get vasectomies! (Thank you Dad for preventing me from getting the little brother I only *thought* I wanted).
mom-on-roof - 2004-10-26 22:42:54
HAA!!! THAT is funny. You love Tommy Lee now. I saw him on Letterman the other night, and now I love him too! WTF?!? WHat is HAPPENING to us?!
eryn - 2004-10-27 02:06:30
for future reference, i had a run-in with birth-control-failure (.. if you can call not using any a failure) and the nurse at PP told me that on further study, they discovered that Plan B brand emergency contraceptives can be used up to five days after the event. it's more effective the sooner you use it, but still more effective than not doing anything. However, if you ask them to, they should be willing to write you an extra scrip so you can have one handy should another 'emergency' arise. not sure about the PP there, but here they hand them out pretty liberally. i'm suprised they don't have a basket of them next to the condoms.
Carrie - 2004-10-27 12:50:43
Heh. You poor hormone laden woman! I have taken that before and every time I was SO HOT that I could hardly bear it. Ugh. Hang in there, and yeah for PP.

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