
cat - 2005-03-25 22:18:54
Sending the positive vibe to you and your chestal area. *Hugs*
Jen - 2005-03-25 22:37:30
Amy, I'm glad my earlier note helped make you feel good, sincerely. :) I also want to thank you for the words and thoughts about my dad - his surgery went very smoothly and the surgeon says he'll feel 100% better ASAP. About the biopsy, you're right in that you'll feel better when you know exactly what's going on. My cousin had a biopsy a few years back and it really was pretty routine for all the hospital folk even though us relatives were all freaked out - it helped calm us all down that it seemed like such a minor procedure to them, you know? And many people assume that a biopsy must mean something bad - it simply does NOT. My cousin had a benign cyst, nothing more. Boobies are weird little (or not so little) things and I'll be hoping yours are just jerking your chain, so to speak.
IbePiglet - 2005-03-25 23:39:56
At least it will be out and you will know what you are dealing with. We phobics tend to make matters worse in our heads. So we won't get to call you "lumpy" for very much longer. (my prayers)
Caitlyn - 2005-03-26 00:36:22
I hope this all passes quickly for you and is soon just an annoying blip in life's radar. Best wishes.
Jackie - 2005-03-26 06:17:26
I hope everything goes okay and the surgery takes care of everything. Everytime I think of you, I'll hold my boobs. Oh yeah, and prayers and shit! =)
LA - 2005-03-26 09:23:01
I'm doing the Healthy Boobie Dance right now. (And damn hard it is too typing and dancing at the same time.) Wishing I could hold your hand in person. ~LA
bathtubmary - 2005-03-28 09:55:25
thinking of you. xoxo, d
Michelle - 2005-03-28 10:37:33
Thinking of you too.
Gem-chan - 2005-03-28 17:56:12
Man, good luck to you. May your boobs not betray you. *sending healthy boob vibes* (which, incidentally, sounds a little dirty)

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