
cat - 2004-05-17 01:29:49
The sad thing? It's still a better night than the one I've had.
Maleesha - 2004-05-20 18:36:09
You just can't argue with teenagers (I am assuming she=teenager) especially female ones...I should know, my mum says that of me all the time.
Tom - 2004-05-21 07:04:00
You need to get one of those RealDolls to keep in your closet for just such an emergency. After hubby blithely traipses off, just drag it out and cuddle away. And get a steel mesh colander. It won't melt, it'll just sear your flesh down to the one with 3rd degree burns if you pick it up off a hot burner (don't ask me how I know). Hang in there, babe! :)

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