
LA - 2004-05-22 12:06:56
Congrats on the 'A'(s)!!!! I knew you could do it. ~LA
Teets - 2004-05-22 13:26:44
Love thyself, for you are beautiful and witty.
Fuzzmom - 2004-05-22 14:36:34
Amen on both counts, Teets.
Jen the Radiator Lady - 2004-05-22 18:36:51
I truly wish we lived closer to one another, Amy, because I very much see a kindred spirit in you. Now shut your hole about the way you look or I'll kick you in the shins.
elle-emme - 2004-05-22 20:20:42
they have those stretchy leggings at fason bug? i've been searching everywhere for them, they are the staple of my wardrobe, with the floppy shirt worn over them. and yes, i am quite aware the eightees are well over. i also need to buy shoes. i hate the shopping.

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