
Carrie - 2004-07-08 15:53:25
Well, I recently took a day off SB and gained 5 pounds so maybe I'm not the best to be giving information, but I like it! I had lost 15 pounds and I feel great. I think it is important to do the first two weeks of hell though because they say it evens out all your levels and stops the cravings, which I found to be true, and I think it would be even harder without it. The food does get boring sometimes, I mean, how much salad and chicken can one person eat?! But I have tried a few of the easy recipes in the book and have found enough that I can eat and stay fairly happy. A sf fudgcicle in the evening is the best thing in the world after your two weeks are up!
Lana - 2004-07-08 15:55:42
I have found that is a good resource for everything... Especially the forums... If you have a question post it and you should get feedback within a few hours...Here's a recipe exchange too... I am sure there may be SOME easy quick recipes, good Luck...!!! =)
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-07-08 22:27:29
I love the plan. It works well with me. If you'd like to know how much I have lost email off list.

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