
LA - 2004-07-14 23:56:03
That's quite the saga. Your brother seems cursed. Hope all resolves itself to the good. ~LA
Teets - 2004-07-15 00:01:22
Looks like more of that damned synchronicity following you through life.
catbert - 2004-07-15 00:13:55
Fucked up karma all right. Geez, NOBODY deserves that fate. Tell your brother I'm sorry. :-(
Carrie - 2004-07-15 11:21:16
Wow, my sympathies! That is awful. Having a fucked up step father myself, I understand. Good luck-
Carrie - 2004-07-15 11:21:23
Wow, my sympathies! That is awful. Having a fucked up step father myself, I understand. Good luck-
Fuzz - 2004-07-16 13:54:59
NOW wtf? Am I contagious with the stalking shit? *cries*

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