
Fuzzmom - 2004-08-11 23:41:24 read my mind, girl. I just bought some fabric to sew a few skirts myself. And ditto on liking the chandelier earrings and slim skirts...and hating the "shoulda paid attention when Mom showed me the settings on the washer" look.
Arom - 2004-08-12 00:15:15
Really what do you care of someone thinks you are a poser? Pick a style *you* love and go with it, regardless of it's platform shoes, or fuckme shoes, if you feel good in it wear it darling:)
Fuzzmom II: The Armageddon - 2004-08-12 01:24:39
That too. I've always felt that what really makes a person cool is not really caring about the approval of "outsiders".
Amy - 2004-08-12 06:24:05
Arom: Because part of the point of looking for a new style is that I want my appearance to be more in sync with the person I am inside for my own enjoyment, and another part of the point is that I'd like to attract people who would be interested in knowing someone like me. Dressing as a hipster would only attract a different "wrong" crowd than I'm attracting now. Wrong in the sense that anyone who cared about me being a poser wouldn't enjoy talking to me any more than I'd enjoy talking to them.
Amy - 2004-08-12 06:33:25
Fuzzy Darling: I agree completely. My Prince is like that, and I've always considered him the coolest person ever. :) As for myself, I like to think I don't give a rip what other people think, and in a lot of ways I don't. But I guess if I didn't care on some level, I'd be the most confident person in the world and obviously I have some big issues with that. So I guess I've got a ways to go.
dukkha - 2004-08-12 07:58:29
Congrats on your weight loss! TAke it from someone who lost her own mass amount of weight, shopping is a BLAST when you can wear "skinny" clothes. I hated low rise pants too--until I could wear them, now it's almost all I own. It's so wonderful to go from LAne Bryant and The Avenue to Old Navy and Aeropostale. I hadn't even planned a "look" before the weight was gone, it just kind of happened when I became a shop-a-holic this year. Keep up the good work!
Megin - 2004-08-12 08:36:22
I'm right there with you on the chandelier earrings and textured hose - the only problem is that I've become a bag lady at 28 and only wear jeans with t-shirts. I've have to be vicariously fashionable through you. :)
LA - 2004-08-12 08:49:06
Jeeze. I take a couple days off from D-land and come back to find you waving a red cape in my face! Why not just say, "LA, drop everything you're doing and head west RIGHT NOW!"??? I'll tell you a secret, I've been wearing cool arty glasses and black turtlenecks for 25 years and not once has anyone asked me a question about Sartre or dada-ism. It's safe. Really. Nobody will put you on the spot and expose your nice mid-western wholesomeness. You want to look younger and thinner right this instant? Get a good bra. Haul the girls up high and make 'em as round as possible. As I've discovered, low-set torpedo tits age you more than 100 wrinkles. ~LA
Krista - 2004-08-12 17:59:51
Re: Wide legged pants, etc. My theory has always been, if it makes a MODEL look like ass, imagine what it will do to a real woman. Of course, I just wear all black so that when I spill my coffee on myself no one can tell.... I do dress up my black pants with brightly colored tops when I want to dress up! And I totally agree with the bra thing.
IbePiglet - 2004-08-14 17:55:45
Crap. Looks like I go another fashion season naked.
Wyndspirit - 2004-08-16 23:29:58
It's a long time till spring, and you don't want to spend the winter like I've spent this summer. Today I'm wearing saggy shorts with the crotch hanging down to my knees. I don't dare stick my camera in my pocket because they'll slide right off my rear. My favorite jeans would give my teen nephew's baggies a run for the money. My tank top hangs. It's a good thing I'm wearing a good bra, because everybody can see plenty of it! And baggy is NOT flattering. Not to teens, and definitely not to those of us who bag too much already! Shop. Now. Or as soon as the clothes you have start not fitting right. Doesn't matter if it's still at Lane Bryant. But plan for long-wear stuff. Stretchy tops that can handle a few pounds either way. Stuff with elastic that you think you'll be able to stand to wear for awhile once they bag a bit. If I had a job, that's how I'd shop right now. Oh, and I'd buy just a little of everything. Take LA's advice on the bras, but don't buy a dozen, just a couple to keep washing and wearing, since hopefully before too long you'll need another set. (BTW, I've just discovered for myself that she is right on that count--if nothing else, go for the bras! If anybody had told me underwires aren't SUPPOSED to be a misery and that the first one I had was just a lousy fit, I'd have tried them 20 years ago and never gone back!) Oh, wear a thin, satiny top, as fitted as you have, and try on EVERY SINGLE ONE, even if you're sure of the size, not just try it on, but put your top back on to see the end result. You're lucky you're working--you'll need to kidnap LA for her advice long before I will, I'm afraid. As for a "look"--in my experience, you start shopping and find things you like or things that "work" with fave clothes you already have, and suddenly a style emerges that is really "you"--even if it defies labeling. (My next plan... I bought some cute sport bras a couple years ago that were too small. They should be perfect now, under the too-big tanks that I can't afford to replace. That's the kind of adaptations I mean.)
Wyndspirit - 2004-08-18 10:32:36
To elaborate on the bras... I've discovered that the BONING in the side is what's miserable, not the underwire around the cups. Look for one without boning, and make sure it fits right. (I used bra extenders for YEARS, assuming I was a weird shape. Swallow the pride and go up a band size or two, duh! If it fits right, you shouldn't NEED boning in the side.) Wal-Mart carries a nice variety, but you have to dig to find the larger sizes. They have a new line of very pretty and oh-so-comfy larger-size bras (with and without underwire), although I didn't buy because I didn't want to pay $15+ for what I hoped would be a temp bra till I shrunk some more. The one I fell in love with was Varasette brand (something like that) with a light, lacy style and cost around $8. Even if you prefer to buy from a classier establishment, why bother, for something you hopefully won't wear that long before you shrink some more? ...As for the aloe vera, wish I could give you about 10 of them!!!

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