
Fuzzmom - 2004-09-18 01:49:47
I think men actually glory in inflicting their stench upon one another. Congratulations on your milestone!
cat - 2004-09-18 02:46:23
Oh my gawd! This was too fucking funny! The only thing worse than inflicting your stench on another? Walking into the bathroom alone, being greeted by a hideous stench, taking care of *your* business (by no means contributing to aforementioned stench), only to walk out of the stall as someone else enters the bathroom. I always want to say: "Um, that smell really isn't my fault ya know." Of course, drawing attention to it just makes you seem even guiltier! Fucking hell!
dukkha - 2004-09-18 08:16:08
Holy SHIT, you kill me. Shit Cookie! Too funny! I agree on the whole spray thing, however, I'm not as clever as you and have always referred to it as the fragrance of "shit & spray" (incense works way better). I, too, have shy bowels and reached that milestone only a year or so ago, but I only do THAT in times of emergency!
LA - 2004-09-18 09:46:39
Congrats. I used to have Home Toilet Syndrome too. During a 3 week vacation I didn't go ONCE! I was a barrel o' poop when I got home and spent the next 4 days doing nothing but unloading. I still can't do 'normal' poops in public, but if the urge is unavoidable I can go. Writhing with humiliation the whole time. And no, my darling, men do not care about fuming up the joint. They pee in front of each other and often have no doors on the stalls anyhow. A men's room is a free-for-all of bodily functions. ~LA
elle-emme - 2004-09-18 13:30:47
That's funny, it's the men in our office who spray the freshener or Lysol. The women seem to know that Turning The Fan On is the way to prevent odors from seeping out into the hallway.
bathtubmary - 2004-09-20 09:59:11
that entry cracked me up, like so many of yours do. i adore margaret. adore her. i've seen that bit about her shitting her pants and it is genius. xoxox, d

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