
Arom - 2004-09-26 22:41:10
I do the same exact ritual. My period was MIA since Father's Day. My excuse is the start of menopause, but I am thinking you are too young for that? Anyhow, I did the pregnancy test, no period, so I went and had a blood test and then next day BINGO, red dollar days were here:) I sure love your journal, and your writing, it just hilarious:)
cat - 2004-09-26 22:47:35
Hahahaha! You can add another accomplishment to the list: you made me laugh my ass off with that entry!
Teets - 2004-09-26 23:19:03
I speak "cat" and they talk to us that way because they think we understand. That's why they give you that look that says "Open your ears, Fat head, I just spoke to you" when you don't do their bidding. Cats have different meows for different situations. My cat has a special meow for "I'm gonna barf", and one for "I'm out of FOOD" when he is lying, and a different one for when he really means it. He meows a short chirpy meow when he wants to play, a long drawn out heartwrenching one when he wants attention. A garbled crazy wacky vocal noise when he is lonely for company. (Always in the middle of the night) He talks. I do what he says, mostly.
LA - 2004-09-27 07:24:27
Yup. If all else fails take a pregnancy test. I can't bear to think about what I've spent on EPTs over the years. Hormones ahoy! feh. Hope this dentist can help and he's not anything like Dr Back Alley with the filthy smock and the runny nose. ~LA
bathtubmary - 2004-09-27 09:18:43
did you know margaret cho has a blog? it's on her site, she has an entry about eating, i think titled 'the fuck-it diet' or something like that. hope all your ailments go away quickly. xoxo, d
dukkha - 2004-09-27 09:38:48
Don't hate me for saying so, BUT...have you considered that you may be starting to go through "the change"? Of course, I mean, like really early? I believe it can start in your 30's. If your mom is still around, ask her when she started (I don't have that luxury, I'll just have to guess as to when it'll be hitting me). Personally, that would worry me alot less than being pregnant. Anyway, I hope I didn't offend you, I just figured I'd share the thought. =)
Jen the Radiator Lady - 2004-09-27 11:56:42
The weird thing about my cats and their meows is that only one does it. Meow, that is. Alice is CONSTANTLY vocal. About everything and nothing. She truly must have at least 100 different sounds. But the Wee one... she never, ever talks. Very occasionally, like maybe once a month or something, you might catch a tiny squeak coming out of her, but she looks at you like it was all she could possibly muster and she's gonna spend the next month building back up all the energy she expended letting that one out. Funny little girls. On Margaret Cho - I once caught her live stand-up act at an AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) benefit on the backlot of Universal and she was even funnier in person, if that's possible.
Jen the Radiator Lady - 2004-09-27 11:57:12
The weird thing about my cats and their meows is that only one does it. Meow, that is. Alice is CONSTANTLY vocal. About everything and nothing. She truly must have at least 100 different sounds. But the Wee one... she never, ever talks. Very occasionally, like maybe once a month or something, you might catch a tiny squeak coming out of her, but she looks at you like it was all she could possibly muster and she's gonna spend the next month building back up all the energy she expended letting that one out. Funny little girls. On Margaret Cho - I once caught her live stand-up act at an AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) benefit on the backlot of Universal and she was even funnier in person, if that's possible.
Carrie - 2004-09-27 12:39:53
Yep, same pregnancy test ritual here. I have an evil dental appointment tomorrow as well, so I feel for you. Good luck! I must go rent Margaret Cho now...
Wyndspirit - 2004-10-23 19:19:56
My boys will talk to each other or talk to the girls under the bedroom door. Not meow--a conversational chirp. They save most of the meowing for me. Miss A will occasionally get lonely right after I go to bed and do her "kitten call" (a certain tone mama cats use to get their kittens to follow them) wanting me or Miss B to come out, I'm not sure which.

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