
Fuzzmom - 2004-10-06 10:24:09
I get that one from my family, and it's bad enough. I can't imagine the kind of ass-whuppin' I'd have to dish out if a coworker sent it. *shudder*
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-10-06 11:28:25
I hope you sent that to someone in HR and said, :Hey this offends me:
Amy - 2004-10-06 12:13:23
Nope... no HR, no ass-whuppin, nothing. I am not creating a scene at this job over something stupid, not even behind the scenes. Picking my battles and all that, you know. (Doesn't mean I'm not gonna blow off steam about it here, though. :)
cat - 2004-10-06 12:59:52
Lord and Lady, I *hate* getting thos e-mails! Granted, I don't work, so I don't get them via office e-mail, but I still find it offensive that someone would just assume I share their beliefs in faith. Not all of us subscribe to Christian doctrine. Not all of us believe in a patriarchal God. Not all of us identify as "Christians." And those of us who don't are goddamned sick of having other people's faith crammed down our throats!
IbePiglet - 2004-10-06 17:16:29
I don't pass any emails on that insist I do. I don't jump through hoops that mere humans hold up to prove my love and devotion to God. And God does not need to have me jump through a hoop, as he knows my love. Mortals are morons sometimes.
Carrie - 2004-10-06 17:18:57
I got that one, too. Could not believe it. I told the "friend" who sent it to me that if she ever sent me that shit again I would block her. So what's up at work? Hmmm?
Wyndspirit - 2004-10-23 19:40:36
Definitely Offensive. I haven't gotten that one, but then by now I have my family and friends pretty well trained. My faith is my own, and NOBODY is going to force me to force it on others.

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