
Trinity Sixty-Three - 2004-10-22 12:37:09
So take a photo of you in it, and post:) xoxo
LA - 2004-10-22 14:17:58
Foxy Mama! Halloween used to be such a favorite of mine and since Wolf came I haven't dressed up or gone to a party once. Lost the spirit, I guess. 10? I fell down dead with delight to be back in an 11W. Used to be a 12W and even then it was a squeeze. Lightening the load on my feet by 80lbs did it, but I have no hope of ever wearing a 10 again. Not even if I lost another 80 pounds. So you and your delicate girlie feet go have a blast and hoist a pint for me, will ya? ~LA
Fuzz - 2004-10-22 17:13:39
Girl, I definitely want to try to get together next weekend. I can't pass up the opportunity to see outfits like those!

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