
cat - 2004-11-05 00:34:32
Amen (in a completely non-religious sense) sistah!
ladybug-red - 2004-11-05 07:26:54
I can relate very well. I have had to give up one of my d-land buddies too. She is a lifelong (although very young) republican who was ranting for the past few days about how intolerant and ugly the democrats have been with name-calling. I left her a nice note saying that even though we disagree on politics we do agree that there has been plenty of name-calling all around. Her reply - she came to read my entry yesterday and called me a bigot. Sad.
IbePiglet - 2004-11-05 13:35:15
The name calling is horribly sad, no matter what side it comes from. We all hold our own beliefs, and I'm finding that if we can all (including me) bite off the hostility and just listen and talk without insulting, many of our ultimate wishes are very much in common. We disagree on how to get to that end. Is that really worth destroying friendships and families? God, i hope not. I am tired of being hated for what I believe. I'm also tired of being told why I voted the way I did (Morality was NOT my motive, no matter what anyone says). I was one who railed against people listening to the famous, and I did so because it pisses me off when performers start to believe they somehow know more than us mere mortals. I think primarily using the likes of Michael Moore for one's information is not wise, and likewise as you pointed out, relying solely on Sean Hannity wouldn't be wise either. I think Moore is wrong on a lot, but you know what? Perhaps I'm the one who is wrong, perhaps he is completely right! The thing is, I don't know. I had my reasons for each of my votes past and present, and you had yours. I don't hate you for your vote, nor for your reasoning. I don't hate anyone for how they feel or what they think. I hate someone who knowingly and willingly hurts me or my loved ones. You don't know that my vote hurt you, you believe it will, but you have to know it was not cast in malice against you and all Democrats. I don't hate you for the way you voted, it would be shame if you hated me for mine. Afterall, that's America and that's why we have choice, because we all DON'T agree, and that's ok. I think the "healing" that I'm hoping for is the reduction of hatred between people who's opinions differ. I can't tell you not to be afraid, I don't think you need to, but shit, I could be wrong. So could you,the thing is we don't know. I know I met you, I know I enjoyed our face time, I'd like to have coffee again. I can handle our differences. It sounds like you can't , I hope that changes. There are many things we don't know about each other, perhaps there is something about me that you'd really love, or something that would really make you hate me. The thing is that I voiced the way I felt, as did you. We learned something about each other. I hope that kind of learning doesn't have to be a bad thing. It would really fuck up my theory that all learning, even learning about bad things, is a good thing.
mom-on-roof - 2004-11-05 14:02:12
this comment in response to the comment you left me: AMY! GIRL! I had NO idea you were so very incredibly charming! Holy shit did you give me a belly laugh today! whooooo.
MOTH - 2004-11-05 20:28:42
So....May I call you So? I know what your name is, my wife met with you a while back, but I don't want to be the one that outs your name on the net so if you don't mind, I'll call you So for now. Politically, I'm MUCH more conservative then Ibe. But I SWEAR to you, I don't hate you or any other person for your political beliefs any more then I care about your sexual proclivities. And I think, if you gave me and most other conservitives a chance, you would find that we are all just people. Like you. And like Ibe, and like your family. I think it is a horrible shame that politics has gotten to the point where people feel like they have to hate someone that has a different opinion to our own. REAL shame. I know, deep in my heart I KNOW, that the source of our country's strenght is the very diversity that we share as Americans. Extremists, of whatever stripe, are scary. They are blind to the fact that most of us are neither extreme liberals NOR conservatives. Most of us are grey. When I say most, I mean 99.99999999999 percent. For instance, I don't want my Constitution changed to define marriage. I feel that that is forcing a morality on people that the government has no bussiness messing with. But I am, by my own deffinition, a Conservative. I met my wife on the internet. What kind of conservitive is THAT? If you look closely at yourself, I'll bet you find a liberal cause that YOU don't agree with either. (I'm also a LOUSY speller. Please forgive) I'm sorry if you feel like you have to hate me for my beliefs. I'm sorry if you feel like you need to dispise my wife for hers. But I'm not going down that road. I don't tell her what to think of course but I'll bet she feels the same way. One more thing before I close. When Bill Clinton was elected, I felt exactly the same way you do. I thought my country would never be able to withstand someone like him. For the first time in my middle aged life, I HATED the person living in the White House. That fact is, we survived. I watched with trembling heart every thing he did. And I found that very little of what he did actually managed to affect me. The country with stood what I thought was sure death. I'm willing to bet, your fears are just as unfounded about Bush. And I'm sorry but I have to say one more thing, if W WERE stupid enough to try to institute a draft, this country would erupt in flames that would make the riots in the 60's seem like sunday school meetings. Believe me, even though I voted for him, I would be very near the front of the line screaming for his impeachment if he did many of the things that you think he wants to do. Please try to understand, Just because we voted for the sitting president doesn't make us demons.

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