
Caitlyn - 2005-04-11 21:09:15
I'm amazed you were aware at all for the surgery. I'd want to be out, I'm such a chicken shit. I'm glad the news sounds like all will be well. Hope the days fly by until you hear back and can relax.
cat - 2005-04-11 21:20:15
I'm glad your surgery went well, gotta disagree about the anethesia though. Nothin' better than how it feels when they knock you's the waking up business that I hate. I always come out of it thinking: "Fuuuuuuuuuuck! I wanna feel as good as I did when they were putting me under! Now I feel like shit." As for reading material...try something written by a radical right winger: it's easy reading and provides comedic relief. :-)
Teets - 2005-04-11 22:15:03
I'm glad it wasn't so bad and you're doing well. I'll keep my teets crossed for Wednesday. :-)
Michelle - 2005-04-11 22:40:41
SO glad you got through it okay. Um...teets will be crossed here as well.
LA - 2005-04-12 08:46:53
Well considering mine are long enough to do macrame` with...heh. I'm sure the biopsy is CYA. A surgeon knows cancer when she sees it. Whew! Glad to hear everything is good and you're okay. Mwah! ~LA
Jackie - 2005-04-12 09:26:17
Hee hee, I had my hands wrapped tight around my chest the whole time I was reading this. That's great that everything went okay. I'll keep holding until Wednesday! =)
bathtubmary - 2005-04-12 15:01:13
so far so good... i'll keep holding 'em for you though, just in case. xoxo, d
hissandtell - 2005-04-13 02:21:42
Oh, most excellent news, darling. I guess the "Amazing how a little deprivation makes you appreciate stuff more when you can have it" line could also be applied to the pleasures re-awaiting your stupendous bosoms once the ice is all melted and things are back to normal. Love, R xxx

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