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The only reason some people are still alive is because it is against the law to kill them

2003-06-14 - 11:35 p.m.


I�m can�t tell you how thrilled I am to be paying over $1100 a month in rent for a bedroom I can�t even go to sleep in at 11:00 on a Saturday night. I am SO FUCKING SICK of having inconsiderate neighbors whose sole joy in life seems to be blasting music with that obnoxious fucking bass at all hours of the day and night.

Ok, sure, 11 is early to want to go to bed on a Saturday, but what if I happened to want to fuck in there or something? The thumping bass from some gawdawful hip-hop bullshit music is not exactly the soundtrack I had in mind for my erotic interlude, thanks very much.

Fucking inconsiderate assholes. I�m so happy to be paying a shitload of money to be living in a goddamn ghetto. This is a nice neighborhood... while not upscale by any stretch of the imagination, it�s a nice middle-class residential area and it's not cheap to live here. Yet we get these gangs of young people who live three and four to an apartment and proceed to make the fucking place unlivable for anyone who doesn�t care to live in a slum. Our neighbors two floors up have a lovely habit of getting drunk, screaming and throwing shit off their balconey at 3 a.m. And being on the ground floor, all the shit lands right in front of our patio. Beer cans, cups, trash, food, easter grass (in fucking June???) clothing... you name it, it�s probably been out there. You think I�m kidding? The Evil Childe found a disco ball out there yesterday morning. A fucking disco ball. As she put it, �Now that�s something you don�t see every day!� (She went out and nabbed it and put it up in her room.)

Somebody�s shirt has been up in the top branches of the tree outside of our patio for months now. And right this very minute, at 11:12 at night, someone is fucking BARBECUEING. Fuck... I can�t even have my fucking door open for some fresh air at practically fucking MIDNIGHT without someone else�s stupid ass inconsiderate shit intruding on my enjoyment of the apartment we pay ELEVEN-HUNDRED-FUCKING-DOLLARS A MONTH for.

The path were I've walked too and from work for the past five months is littered with garbage, including TWO bottles of piss! I can understand the need to piss in a bottle if you're stuck in highway traffic, but this is the fucking SUBURBS, people. There's a fucking gas station on every other corner. And even if there is some legitimate need to piss in a bottle in your car whilst motoring around the wild and woolly suburbs, is there really a need to then throw the bottle out along the side of the road?

Why, if these idiots are determined to live like trailer trash or ghetto garbage, why the fuck don�t they do it in a cheaper neighborhood? Places like that come pre-trashed, might save �em some time and trouble as well as a few bucks on the rent. But no... I guess it�s more fun asserting your right to have fun and live any goddamn fucked-up way you want in a neighborhood where you know you�re bugging someone. Is it an attention thing, a power trip? Who knows.

When I was a kid, my aunt and cousins lived in a nice little trailer court. No, seriously, it WAS pretty nice. It had good management, the place was kept up and the riff-raff kept out. I can remember going over there with my mom, and my cousins and my brother and me getting wild and rowdy like kids do, screaming and running up and down the halls of my aunt�s mobile home. But we were constantly being �shushed� by my aunt... �You kids need to be quiet or Mr. Orr will be up here!� (Mr. Orr being the park manager, and his having to come up here due to a noise complaint being a Very Bad Thing.)

What ever happened to people being considerate of their neighbors, or at least a-scared of their landlord? Maybe it has something to do with the landlords not being anything to be a-scared of... ours supposedly has a policy of �three strikes and you�re out�--strikes being complaints about noise. Yet with our first set of noisy neighbors who threw a big drunken party EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY EVENING for a YEAR, we must have complained at least 10 times. They sent someone over once or twice to talk to them, then they started telling us to call the police (who came out a time or two but did basically NOTHING but warn them to keep it down;) and thereafter they pretty much ignored our complaints altogether.

One time we called the landlords on our neighbors and the landlords came out but went to the WRONG apartment... apparently there were TWO ridiculously loud parties going on in our building at the same time.

I just recently found out from someone on my job just why it is they have so many groups of young people living in these apartments... apparently they have a contract to provide housing for DeVry students, who assigns four students to each two-bedroom apartment. So much for the illusion that our apartment management gives even the merest whiff of a rat�s asshole about the noise level, huh? Long as them DeVry dollars keep rolling in...

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Crappy job crap, weird neighbor, and someone whose baby I apparently want to have - 2006-05-08
Live from the dump - 2006-04-09
Kind of like a muzzle for your brain - 2006-03-29
...and then she fell ass-first into my cereal bowl - 2006-03-28
Playing catch-up - 2006-03-27

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