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Like you care.... much head-sorting-out job-related rambling

2004-03-04 - 3:31 p.m.


Indecision sucks. For the past few days I've been vacillating between two (theoretical) work options:

1. Find a job, any job, to help with the money situation.


2. Hold out for a job, any job, that's even vaguely connected with graphic arts.

Obviously, my preference would have been #2. Some experience in my field, however low-level, would be extremely helpful in my eventual search for a good job in graphic arts. However, it is becoming clear that entry-level graphic arts positions are not plentiful right at the moment.

Taking option #1 means I won't be gaining any experience in my chosen field for awhile, which on first glance seems like a huge checkmark in the CON column. However... there are a lot of good reasons to take such a job right now.

1. The Prince's job is of uncertain duration, and his insurance is not nearly as good as at the former job. The money from me working could offset the insurance situation somewhat, plus best case scenario I'd find a job with insurance that would take up some of the slack. Plus, if we continued living at our current standard, we could save a large percentage of my check so hopefully we'd have a few more resources to tide us over once the Prince's contract ends.

2. My resume is pretty spotty. The past few years I've done temp work, which is somewhat less ugly on a resume than flat-out job-hopping, but doesn't exactly imply stability either. A notion which is only reinforced by the job-hopping I DID do in years previous, unfortunately. Plus, I left quite a few of those jobs under less than stellar circumstances... if anyone goes to check my references, I'm not entirely certain any one of them would have much good to say about me. Not that I was a horrible employee for the most part... I've just gotten mixed up with some bad companies in a few cases. But you can't say that on a job interview, dammit. So basically, it would be extremely redemptive for my resume if I were to find some sort of a steady job and then work my ass off to earn myself a fabulous reference when I'm ready to move off in another direction.

3. I could put some of my work money towards two things that could really be important to me when I do start looking for a job in graphic arts... a car, and a kick-ass computer with all my coveted software. Or, at least an adequate computer with most of my coveted software.

4. I'm badly in need of an image overhaul, and it takes money to build a decent professional wardrobe. (I know graphic arts is probably going to mostly require business casual, but I'd still like my work wardrobe to be comprised of items a little more professional-looking than Dockers and T-shirts.) Plus I'll need interview outfits, and a decent haircut, and makeup. None of which I can afford right now or for the foreseeable future.

Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself that I'm making a good decision and not copping out out of fear of the unknown, but I really feel that I might be better prepared for a career change after another year or two in a secretarial job. I know it's going to probably suck, but one of my major goals is to learn how to tolerate frustration and deal with stress on the job, so it will be good practice. Plus, I'm sure it would give me plenty of rant-fodder for the diary.

Anyway. I signed back up with my temp service, and they've already run four positions by me, so it looks like they've got work if I want it.

Unbelievably, two of the positions they called me for are back at the Soul-Sucking Pit of Despair I worked at last year... the one I ranted about in here for weeks! Hell, I was even a little tempted... it'd be fun to ogle my old Girl Crush again. But I sure didn't want to go back to my old position, and anyway I'm sure my Former Boss Lady would drive me nuts no matter what position I worked, and besides that, Sick Girl is probably still there and I'd be right back to covering for her all the time, and back here ranting about the same old shit. I did ask my service what the position was, and it turns out neither would be appropriate for me. Whew! The lure of cleavage might just have sucked me right back in had the job been something I qualified for.

There is another temp-possibly-to-perm position she's going to submit me for that might start as early as next Monday. Which, if she can get me in the door and I like the position, I'm fairly confident I could interest them in hiring me permanently. I may not look like much coming in the door, but nearly all my employers have been impressed by my smarts and skills once they see me in action.

Anyway, enough with the back-patting already. I think I feel ok about doing this now. Now let's just hope a good gig pans out for me soon.

Oh, and a big WooHooooo is in order! Somebody dropped out of the filled-up class I wanted for next quarter, and I was able to slide on in to the spot. Color me tickled pink!

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Crappy job crap, weird neighbor, and someone whose baby I apparently want to have - 2006-05-08
Live from the dump - 2006-04-09
Kind of like a muzzle for your brain - 2006-03-29
...and then she fell ass-first into my cereal bowl - 2006-03-28
Playing catch-up - 2006-03-27

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