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Don't even bother

2004-05-11 - 4:19 a.m.


I think I smell more than other people. No no, I took a shower yesterday and will take another today, it's not that. But I swear, I'm always smelling something nasty, yet no one else ever seems bothered by it. If it weren't for me and my bitching, neither the catbox or the trash would ever get taken out around here, at least not due to the smell bothering anyone else.

I changed the litter yesterday morning because it reeked. When I walked in last night, I swear the place still reeked of piss, yet I have been all over this room with the handy-dandy stink finder (a black-light device that highlights invisible yet potentially smelly stains of an organic nature... blood, semen, piss, puke and the like.) Other than an old hairball hork spot that apparently didn't get cleaned very well, there is no telltale glowing flourescent spot on my carpet from whence the stink be coming.

Now sitting here at the computer desk, I swear I smell barf. I've looked under and behind, with bare eyes in the light and again with stink finder in the dark, and I see nothing. NOTHING.

Is it my upper lip or what? Criminy.

I can't stand the mess in here. I feel this urgent need to make it go away, but I suspect the urge is born of the fact that I also have homework that is due tonight. LOTS of homework. Which is also probably why I'm writing this entry, truth be told.

I was all pleased with myself for having gone to bed early two nights in a row. I actually got a full eight hours of sleep on Sunday night, and I felt pretty damn good all day Monday. I was in a good mood even. It was WEIRD. Lasted all the way until I went to the grocery store after work, made the quickest rounds of the aisles I ever have in my life so as to get out of there and get on with my evening, and then discovered that every fucking person in the Chicagoland area had rushed in, pulled out their bad checks, overdrawn credit cards and expired coupons and jumped in line immediately ahead of me to haggle for forty minutes with the checkout girl over a 10 cent price discrepancy on store-brand fruit roll-ups. I was not a happy bitch, standing there listening to the precious few minutes of my evening ticking away while the checkout girl ran her mouth and craned her neck every few minutes so as not to miss such momentous occurences as the coworker who broke a bottle of juice all over himself (and how I managed not to get in THAT line may qualify as some kind of bona fide miracle.) Then, with me standing there with the little black wispy cartoon anger-thing clearly visible to naked eye above my head, she actually had to stop counting out my change, turn clear around and exclaim with the checker in the next lane over the amazing oddity of a receipt that had come out of the machine in... get this... TWO PIECES! Which she had never seen before, in twelve years of working there! Wow!Isn't that amazing? And me without my camera! I have never bitch-slapped a clerk for being slow, but there's always a first time, and she was very nearly it.

So I went to bed early again last night, but what with the weird dreams from eating so late and the anxiety that struck me upside the head when I thought about my homework and the stinky apartment, I found myself wide awake at 3:45. I figured I might as well get up and get some shit done, but like a big stupid ass I sat down here to vent instead.

It was so not worth the time I wasted. Why didn't I clean something, or something? How can an hour have passed by already? It's not like I've been sitting here putting a lot of thought into what I'm typing, as you can see.

Fuck. I am so not ready to go back to school tonight.

2 felt the need to share

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Crappy job crap, weird neighbor, and someone whose baby I apparently want to have - 2006-05-08
Live from the dump - 2006-04-09
Kind of like a muzzle for your brain - 2006-03-29
...and then she fell ass-first into my cereal bowl - 2006-03-28
Playing catch-up - 2006-03-27

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