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I think I just got flirted with!

2003-04-24 - 2:02 p.m.


The high point of my morning� Girl Crush came into my office looking extra-yummy for a planned lunchtime rendevouz with her Boy Crush (who is not Her Man but they have �a thing, you know?�) and when I told her she looked cute she pointed her boobs in my general direction and said, �So what do you think? Too much cleavage?�

Momentarily struck stupid by my good fortune in being offered an actual opportunity to stare openly at her tits, I gave �em a good look and then blurted out, �Not too much for my taste!�

Um, yeah. Maybe I should change the name of my diary to So-Subtle. Ya think?

Well, there are other ways to take that comment other than �me so horny for your body,� right? I�m not even sure if her face registered a moment�s surprise or not, as I quickly averted my eyes back to what I had been working on when she came in and babbled on goofily about how I didn�t know what the actual standards at this particular workplace ARE for such a thing, and it�s not like she looks obscene or anything (babble babble babble�)

So she was busy and I was busy so we didn�t talk TOO much for most of the morning, but later on she hung around in my office while she waited for someone else to get off the phone. She chatted excitedly with me about her date while I tried to work, and I swear it seemed like she couldn�t keep her hands off me! She perched on the arm of my chair and leaned against me while I typed. A few minutes later she leaned in very close� VERY close� to look when she heard me griping about a computer problem I was having. She bent over and displayed her cleavage right in my face more than once, and several times she touched me on the arm as we chatted (which I know a lot of women do that just to be friendly, but they don�t usually do all that other stuff too!) Maybe I�m taking it the wrong way� some people ARE simply more touchy-feely than others, and we have only just started to get to know each other better over the last few days that I�ve had to work more closely with her. It just seems strange that all the touchy stuff started after I made my comment.

Now, I have no illusions that she is attracted to me. I�m not a bad-looking woman, but I am a lot heavier than I feel is attractive, plus I haven�t been making a whole lot of effort to fix myself up for work lately. Other than a couple of my notable high-effort �cute� days, she usually sees me pretty much at my worst� no makeup, hair all stringing down, boring work wardrobe. Plus I am older than she. (Not impossibly so, but she DID once mention a guy she would go out with if only he was younger� and he turned out to be in his early forties, not much older than me.) So like I said, I�m pretty sure it�s not that she wants to jump my bones.

It�s probably just that �thing� that women like to do� flirting with people they wouldn�t actually date in a million years, just because they like to test out their flirting equipment at every available opportunity. I never did this even when I was younger and cuter because I�ve always been a magnet for creepy guys and so it�s been rare that I ever wanted to encourage THAT kind of attention. But I guess many women get a kick out of kicking it up a notch or two when they notice someone responding to them in a sexually-charged way. It suppose it�s a nice little ego boost, seeing the power of your physical charms at work even on someone you don�t particularly want to attract.

Do guys do this at all? Because while I�ve had more than one woman get her jollies by flirting with me, I don�t think I�ve ever noticed a guy doing it so carelessly� like displaying himself physically just to see if I notice, or even being really charming and flirtatious just to see if he can get a reaction out of me. Oh, sure, I�ve known quite a few guys who were just charmers in general, or at least they thought they were� flirting shamelessly with every female in sight, young and old, from the cleaning lady right on up to the vice-president of the company. You know those slimy marketing types� it�s just business, babe! But I�ve never noticed a guy trying to cultivate a budding sexual-attraction reaction from me just for fun, unless he actually wanted to date me or fuck me. In fact, it seems like it�s been almost the opposite� if a guy isn�t sexually attracted to me, a lot of the time they go out of their way to avoid flirting. Are most guys like this, or have I just met more than my share of the more cautious types? And if guys typically don�t flirt so indiscriminately, why not? Don�t they get a kick out of a good old-fashioned ego boost?

Well anyway, there�s no danger of me feeling hurt or �led on� as I�m not and never was harboring any real thoughts of getting wi�t this girl; so the flirtation has come as quite an enjoyably sexy surprise. I rather hope she keeps it up� hopefully it wasn�t just her pre-date hormones asserting themselves inappropriately.

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Crappy job crap, weird neighbor, and someone whose baby I apparently want to have - 2006-05-08
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Kind of like a muzzle for your brain - 2006-03-29
...and then she fell ass-first into my cereal bowl - 2006-03-28
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